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secret santa gift ideas 25 dollars related information
Find Out What The Secret Santa Rules Are
There are only a handful of mandatory rules for Secret Santa, and one of them is an absolute must! Familiarize yourself with the rules of the game and the exchange whether you are the participant, organizer or both.
Downloadable Questionnaire For Secret Santa
How are you supposed to find out what the preferred gifts are for the person you are a Secret Santa of? Simple - Secret Santa questionnaire solves this problem and keeps you as a Santa secret and anonymnous.
Most Common Questions About Secret Santa
We receive lots of questions about Secret Santa gift exchange, if you have questions, you will find most of the answers on this page. For anything else, please contact us.
History And Origins Of Secret Santa Tradition
When did the tradition of Secret Santa begin? How was this gift exchange popilarized and transitioned into todays office favourite party? Find out all about the origins.
Want To Draw Names? Secret Santa Generator Is Here
Few great options to help you generate names and assign everyone a Secret Santa in your group. Email is not always necessary, but you can use emails if you so choose.
What To Expect And How To Plan The Party
If you are new to Secret Santa you will want to know what to expect. And if you have been tasked to organize an event, you will need these tips to ensure everything goes down smoothly.
Know How To Impress With Amazing Gift Selection
Secret Santa gifts are one of the most important components of this yearly present swap anticipated by everyone, so it's important to buy a great gift. For tips and suggestions we have put together this helpful page.